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Wang Ning, President of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce and his delegation visited ChanghongIT for inspection and exchange

On July 15, Wang Ning, President of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, and his delegation visited Changhong Jiahua and had a discussion with Zhu Jianqiu, chairman and president of Changhong Jiahua and other leaders on the development trend of electronic information industry and deepening cooperation between the two sides.

During the discussion, President Wang Ning carefully listened to the introduction of Changhong Jiahua's development history, industrial layout, core advantages and future strategic planning as a digital intelligent integrated service provider. He fully affirmed Changhong Jiahua's remarkable achievements and professional service capabilities in the field of science and technology services over the years, and analyzed and prospected the development trend of emerging fields such as the meta-universe. To Changhong Jiahua in the business model innovation, international market development and other aspects of valuable suggestions.                
Mr. Zhu Jianqiu, Chairman and President of Changhong Jiahua, warmly welcomed the arrival of President Wang Ning and his delegation, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the long-term support and work guidance of the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, and looked forward to more cooperation between the two sides in a wider range of fields, and jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the electronic information industry.                
China Electronic Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest industry associations in China's electronic information industry, and maintains close cooperation with local governments and local electronic chambers of commerce across the country. As a bridge between enterprises and the government, enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and the market, China Electronic Chamber of Commerce in line with the purpose of promoting business, to win business, to provide daily services and business support for more than 15,000 member units.                
Changhong Jiahua is the executive director unit of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, and also serves as the vice president unit and vice chairman unit of metauniverse, computing industry, cross-border e-commerce, digital display and other special committees. Since joining the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce in 2018, Changhong Jiahua has established a close cooperative relationship with the Chamber, and the two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in information resource sharing, business opportunity co-creation, project landing, special discussion, industry scene promotion and other aspects.                

Looking forward to the future, Changhong Jiahua will practice the brand proposition of being a digital intelligent value partner, join hands with the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, actively respond to the national strategy, promote the implementation of industrial policies, and promote the collaborative innovation of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. The two sides will jointly build a sustainable new ecology of digital intelligence, inject new impetus into the transformation and upgrading of the electronic information industry, and accelerate the development of a new era of digital intelligence.
