Home Services
Pay-as-you-go service
Deploy base capacity first, then purchase buffer capacity based on usage
Service Consultation
Working mechanism
Deploy with peace of mind
We work with you to determine the "committed capacity" you need today and the "buffer capacity" you will need in the future. All technologies are installed and available on day one.

Flexible payment
Each payment includes a fixed cost of committed capacity and a variable cost of buffer capacity, which is periodically measured using automated tools installed with the equipment.

On-demand adjustment
If you continue to consume most of your installed capacity, simply increase your capacity and all related payments will be adjusted accordingly.

Simplified pricing
Check out simplified pricing tables for our popular solutions, which you can use to budget and anticipate payments even as usage changes. In addition, we offer customized pricing.

Provide elastic capacity
The total deployed capacity consists of committed capacity and buffer capacity. When buffer capacity is used, payments change over time. Lower costs through higher levels of committed capacity and longer life periods. Instant access to buffer capacity without hardware deployment. As the workload increases, the committed capacity can be increased while keeping utilization low.
Pay-as-you-go benefits
On the first day, we install your current and future capacity requirements and measure your usage using the automated tools installed with the equipment.
Increase your IT flexibility by responding quickly to new service requests, workload changes, and business-driven changes.
Controlling force
Customize the configuration to your workload. Pay only for the flexible resources you use to avoid overdeployment and control costs.