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Backup and archive storage
Efficient backup free platform for intelligent structure of unstructured file data
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Modern data protection
■存儲效率高;HCP 對象存儲兼容當前市場上所有的主流備份軟件,完美地支持備份軟件的數據重刪功能,節省了大量的存儲空間。
■介質安全可靠;HCP 對象存儲采用了分布式的架構,存儲基于糾刪碼和多副本的方式,優于傳統RAID 保護。HCP 還提供了多版本,WORM,保存周期等特性保證了備份數據在長期保存中的可靠性。
■設備自更新;對于需要長期保存的備份要求,HCP 對象存儲提供了云存儲的自服務功能,在存儲硬件更新換代之后,備份數據會在后臺自動遷移到新存儲上,做到了前端無感知。
■非結構化數據免備份;除了傳統結構化數據的備份保存在HCP 對象存儲之外,對于非結構化的數據,比如文檔,圖片,視頻等可以通過應用端S3 協議直接寫入對象存儲,需要時直接調取數據,無需恢復操作,激活了數據的價值。
Traditional architecture challenge
Low storage efficiency
Low storage efficiency
Tape devices do not support the deduplication function of backup software. Therefore, backup data is restored to the original size after being stored on tapes, which wastes a large amount of tape space.
Tape media is unreliable
Tape media is unreliable
A traditional tape is a single-disk device with a single point of failure. If a tape is damaged, all backup data on it is lost. To ensure data security, multiple tapes can only be used to back up multiple copies of data, which wastes resources. Tapes...
The platform is closed and needs to be retrofitted
The platform is closed and needs to be retrofitted
Tape library platform is monopolized by a few manufacturers, tape equipment can only be used as backup media storage, can not be used. The tape device is not compatible after two generations, so it is necessary to manually migrate the backup data to ...
Labor and time consumption
Labor and time consumption
The management, operation and maintenance of tape libraries are complicated and require manual on-site maintenance, including tape taking, tape loading, and robot replacement. In the case of massive backup data, data recovery also takes a lot of time...
Scheme value
HCP object storage hardware updates do not affect backup and do not require tape refurbishment
Backup data is always online. You can quickly query historical backup data for restoration
HCP does not require backup, ensuring long-term storage of backup data and meeting compliance requirements
Unstructured data is stored directly into HCP, eliminating the need for backup and reducing the traditional architectural challenges of the overall backup window
Modern data protection
HCP content storage and management platform
Today's customers are no longer looking for IT-centric goals, they are also looking for business outcomes such as data intelligence, improved productivity, and faster time to market. Managing data to differentiate, achieve compliance and timely and r... MORE
Today's customers are no longer looking for IT-centric goals, they are also looking for business outcomes such as data intelligence, improved productivity, and faster time to market. Managing data to differentiate, achieve compliance and timely and r... Hide
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