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Live and on-demand solutions without service architecture
Live video and on-demand deliver low-latency or real-time video to viewers around the world
Scheme Consultation
AWS Live video and Video on Demand
Amazon IVS is a hosted live streaming solution that delivers low-latency or real-time video to viewers around the world, enabling you to create compelling live experiences. Vod can automatically transcode uploaded source videos into formats suitable ...
Scheme value
Simple integration without service
Simple integration without service
Based on the cloud-native service-oriented architecture, there is no need for capacity planning, reducing the burden of operation and maintenance, easy expansion, pay on demand; The program is simple to use, without complex configuration, to meet the needs of non-professional customers live push, turn, pull
High load
High load
Based on ECS elastic architecture, support thousands of video stream access and pull according to load elastic expansion of push-pull stream;
You can manage live stream metadata through the console and API, and you can also set up live stream functions suitable for your business scenario, such as recording, transcoding, screenshots, watermarking, etc
Architecture diagram
Amazon CloudFront
CloudFront speeds up the distribution of static and dynamic Web content. When a user requests content, CloudFront delivers it through a low-latency and high-performance global edge site. MORE
CloudFront speeds up the distribution of static and dynamic Web content. When a user requests content, CloudFront delivers it through a low-latency and high-performance global edge site. Hide
Product Consultation
Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service is storage for the Internet. You can use Amazon S3 to store and retrieve any amount of data from the Web, anytime, anywhere. MORE
Amazon Simple Storage Service is storage for the Internet. You can use Amazon S3 to store and retrieve any amount of data from the Web, anytime, anywhere. Hide
Product Consultation
Amazon EC2
Amazon EC2 is a Web service that provides resizable compute capacity (servers in Amazon data centers) for building and hosting software systems. MORE
Amazon EC2 is a Web service that provides resizable compute capacity (servers in Amazon data centers) for building and hosting software systems. Hide
Product Consultation