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Intelligent medical image diagnosis system solution
Through Huawei AI intelligent computing system, intelligent solutions are provided for problems such as high tablet reading workload, high tablet reading difficulty, and low efficacy evaluation efficiency for doctors
Scheme Consultation
To realize AI-assisted medical image diagnosis
Based on the basic software and hardware of Centeng AI and the auxiliary image diagnosis algorithm provided by Yitu Medical, it has the edge AI reasoning ability by combining with the medical PACS equipment. It can achieve real-time multi-color rende...
Solution value - Achieve a 50-fold increase in diagnostic efficiency
The diagnostic efficiency has been greatly improved
The diagnostic efficiency has been greatly improved
Ai-based intelligent diagnosis can complete the assessment of a single patient in 10 to 15 seconds, while traditional methods take doctors 10-15 minutes. Evaluation efficiency increased by more than 50 times
The accuracy of diagnosis has been greatly improved
The accuracy of diagnosis has been greatly improved
Ai-based intelligent assisted diagnosis can achieve the accuracy of lesion evaluation up to 99%, while the traditional way can only achieve 90%
The utilization rate of medical resources is improved
The utilization rate of medical resources is improved
In the therapeutic effect evaluation stage, the AI-assisted image plus manual cross-examination method has also greatly improved the utilization rate of medical resources
Architecture diagram
Intelligent edge device
It features superior computing performance, small size, strong environmental adaptability, and easy maintenance, and can be widely deployed in edge scenarios. MORE
It features superior computing performance, small size, strong environmental adaptability, and easy maintenance, and can be widely deployed in edge scenarios. Hide
Product Consultation
AI server
With super computing performance, it can be widely used in center side AI reasoning, deep learning model development and training scenarios. MORE
With super computing performance, it can be widely used in center side AI reasoning, deep learning model development and training scenarios. Hide
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