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Enterprise container storage
Cloud-native applications access the last mile of data, seamlessly connecting to container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes
Scheme Consultation
Cloud-native applications access the last mile of data
The data access of cloud native container applications faces many challenges: data access performance, availability, fast access to original data after cross-node reconstruction of Pods, and data sharing read and write mode among multiple Pods. YRCloudFile addresses these issues and reconstructs a new generation of storage solutions for container environments. Standard methods, such as CSI, support container storage scenarios and provide enterprise-level functions to meet service usage, management, operation and maintenance requirements.
Standard CSI plugins work seamlessly with Kubernetes
Users only need to run the CSI plug-in provided by YRCloudFile in container form on the Master node and compute node of the Kubernetes cluster to schedule and access the storage capability of YRCloudFile. YRCloudFile provides multiple read and write modes for Pods, such as RWO, ROX, and RWX, to meet the access control requirements of various applications
Enterprise-class function support
As an enterprise-class container storage solution, YRCloudFile provides rich capabilities for container applications
Provides unique functions such as PV Quota, QoS, PVC capacity expansion, and PV hotspot analysis
Two data centers are active
The YRCloudFile cluster can be deployed across data centers. Different replicas reside in different data centers and maintain data consistency among replicas. When any data center fails, other data replicas can still provide read and write access to data.
Container services running in a data center preferentially access the replica of the local data center, effectively reducing access latency in cross-data center deployment scenarios
Multiple Kubernetes container platforms authenticate each other
YRCloudFile has completed compatibility mutual certification with Rancher, OpenShift, Lingque Cloud, Harmonic Cloud, DaoCloud, Caiyun, Boyun and other container platforms, and can seamlessly connect with all major container platforms.
Program advantage
The first container storage to enter CNCF Landscape in China
Supports all major Kubernetes versions
Mutual certification of domestic and foreign container platform manufacturers
Numerous exclusive enterprise-class container storage
Functional support
NAS all-in-one 2100G5 series
Yanrong NAS all-in-one 2100G5 series is divided into: 2160G5, 2180G5 two models, support 1Gb/10Gb/25Gb Ethernet, large capacity, ultra-high cost performance is the best choice for small customers. MORE
Yanrong NAS all-in-one 2100G5 series is divided into: 2160G5, 2180G5 two models, support 1Gb/10Gb/25Gb Ethernet, large capacity, ultra-high cost performance is the best choice for small customers. Hide
Product Consultation
Hybrid flash machine 3100/5100G5 series
Yanrong Chouguang 3100/5100G5 series integrated machine is divided into: 3180 g5, 5160 g5, 5180 g5 three models, support 1 gb / 10 gb / 25 gb / 56 gb / 100 gb / 200 gb Ethernet, RDMA (RoCE), InfniBand network, in a hybrid cloud, containers, huge amou... MORE
Yanrong Chouguang 3100/5100G5 series integrated machine is divided into: 3180 g5, 5160 g5, 5180 g5 three models, support 1 gb / 10 gb / 25 gb / 56 gb / 100 gb / 200 gb Ethernet, RDMA (RoCE), InfniBand network, in a hybrid cloud, containers, huge amou... Hide
Product Consultation
YRCloudFile High-performance distributed file storage
YRCloudFile is a high-performance distributed file storage system launched by Yrong Technology, which provides high-performance, high-availability and high-scalability file access interfaces, supports mainstream container orcheentation frameworks suc... MORE
YRCloudFile is a high-performance distributed file storage system launched by Yrong Technology, which provides high-performance, high-availability and high-scalability file access interfaces, supports mainstream container orcheentation frameworks suc... Hide
Product Consultation
F8000X series flash storage machine
Full flash distributed storage machine Yanrong F8000X series is a new generation of full flash distributed file storage machine products created by Yanrong Technology in order to perfectly match the data processing needs of GPU. It is equipped with t... MORE
Full flash distributed storage machine Yanrong F8000X series is a new generation of full flash distributed file storage machine products created by Yanrong Technology in order to perfectly match the data processing needs of GPU. It is equipped with t... Hide
Product Consultation